Thursday, April 2, 2009 

Learn Guitar Faster and Easier With Jamorama Guitar Software

New! Avoid costly lapses in judgment and many mistakes when you determine how to play guitar using Jamorama.

The Jamorama software has so many reasons for 1970 71 Topps basketball cards modern guitarist to buy it-I mean, just think about how you can get a head start on learning patterns, chords, scales and more! Study the guitar at your own pace-no more embarrassment from your guitar instructor b/c you didn't rehearse your guitar scales for the week!

Who requires all that hard work anyway?

You don't need the hassle from those guys because the guitar software from Jamorama takes all that stress of studying guitar out of the picture-virtually completely. I think back when I was starting to learn how to play guitar...

I hated my guitar lessons-really!

I had to go to my dang lessons every week, and it seemed that if I didn't know my scales right or have the right amount of perfection each time, my guitar instructor would be upset at me.

But, I needed to discover how to play songs!

I didn't know that the scales were really a part of that- I felt like Karate Kid, doing all those chores. The only difference was, my guitar instructor never really explained that these melodic scales would kick open many doors- I just felt eternal frustration and disappointment inside.

I wasn't getting to the meat- I was chewing on mush. bring in on the rock, I thought!

The good news is-

Jamorama Keeps You Inspired and Excited About Taking Guitar

The secret to getting fantastic guitar skills, especially determining your worth with an on-line program, is that you need to remain motivated and inspired. How do you do this on-line?

Well, for one thing, you have to find a course that fits you, that goes at a quick or slow pace of learning, whichever you prefer. Plus, with the Jamorama guitar course, it's all on-line. Nothing to really carry around, no books or videos, just all of your stuff on your desktop or on-line- just you and your guitar and your computer. There's no one to make fun of you or let you down!

You Get 148 Guitar preparation Courses In The Jamorama Guitar Software

So, with Jamorama, no annoying guitar instructor or 'guru' that you feel like you have to impress or you aren't 'studying your instrument right' or something like that. You get to use Jamorama in the freedom of your own base, at your own pace- that is a huge gain.

Also, you get access, pretty much instantly, to 148 guitar education videos and guitar courses! This is just awesome- pretty much any thing you desire to acquire out of your guitar playing-any music style, famous guitarist style, or theory is at your fingertips. Recite and practice your guitar while watching these guitar preparation and style videos, all at your own pace, without worrying about pleasing anyone!

Forget Asking About Guitar Scales and Chords: These Is A Guitar Forum For That!

Forget having to ask mortifying questions to your guitar instructor or try to gleam the knowledge from books at Borders or DVD's from Netflix.

No Where Else Will You Get This Awesome Value From A Piece Of Guitar Software

Jamorama brings in lead guitar, acoustic, and other styles right into your household- at a fraction of guitar lesson cost! No where else will you find ways to learn patterns, discover and focus on how to use your guitar in ways you never dreamed possible. Do you require a new guitar? I'm sure the folks at the Jamorama guitar forum can help you out, even with those details!

Guitar Software Runs On Both Mac and PC Computers.

Jamorama also runs on Macs and PC's. This is great for Mac users, especially myself, because so much in the music industry, especially guitar education programs, seem to work for Mac or PC, but not both.

What if you have a PC system at your pad, and a Mac system at work or at your friend's house? Now you don't have to worry about that at all- just one more added gain while you are taking guitar with Jamorama. Now you don't have to worry about software formats or systems that won't let you study guitar.

So, whether you are needing to polish your chops and just go through the drill of learning guitar some, or, you desire to get a robust, fantastic, piece of stellar guitar preparation software, Jamorama is for you!

Lawton Chiles runs href=""> and highly recommends href="">Fender Guitar Vault as the place to begin to learn about how to find some awesome guitar courses and sweet deals!


A Wind that Blows Hard

We see many things in this life, that gives us a sense of doom, and destruction. Many believe in the Prophecy's of the prophets, and many others still do not. Weather you believe or not, the day is approaching, and coming quickly. We wonder why the people of this planet, believe that life will go on for eternity, as it is.

There has been warnings from even, the so called scientist, that this world is being over populated, the seas are rising, and the ice caps are melting.
Famine, flood, sickness, and war are ravaging this world, and no one thinks much about it. The rich are satisfied with their wealth, the poor have nowhere to go but down, and the lawless are taking as much as they can, sometimes in the name of their god, greed.
Can you not see that, this world is destroying itself, can't you see that, even the things that you see are not Moon McDare they appear to be?
The rulers of this planet call for peace, peace, and there is no peace to be found, only a semblance of what is given, as peace. It has all been a shadow, a false prophecy, a wind that blows hard, and no one can walk forward for all the pressure that this foul wind brings. We war in the name of peace, we develop drugs to dull the mind, and we develop other drugs for diseases that do not exist.

We have become, A People of Dependence.

Dependence upon drugs for our moods, dependence upon the army's, for our safety, and dependence upon false religions for our spirits, we are doomed if we don't stop, and walk threw the wind of change, the wind of indifference, and the wind of false religion. Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isa 5:20.) Mankind calls debauchery good, free sex good, war, and conflicts good, but they forget to access the cost of their deception.

The wind of change

The wind of change has many stopped in their lives. Change is coming upon all of us. Those that were strong, will become week, the rich, will become poor, the young, will become old, the beautiful, will become bald, and unsightly. Those that go down into the pit, will not be welcomed, but despised by all.

Have you called upon the winds of your god, and does he answer? Will you take a chance on your faith, that eternity will be glorious, or do you call upon a god that, doesn't answer, doesn't know, and doesn't live, are you sure of your gods?

Those that do not believe in Heaven or Hell, are you sure, do you know for a fact that, there is no judgment coming upon all, do you really believe that, the wicked in this life will never be punished, by the separation from God, for all eternity, are you sure?

Are you being carried away by, the wind of indifference. Indifference is; The state in which there is no difference, or in which no moral or physical reason preponderates; as when we speak of the indifference of things in themselves. Unconcerned; feeling no interest,anxiety or care respecting any thing. It seems to be impossible that a rational being should be indifferent to the means of obtaining endless happiness.

Do you care, or are you, caught up in a indifferent wind?

A wind that tells you that there is no good, no evil, and no punishment for unrighteousness, don't you care at all? If you say yes, then you are deceived. Your indifference will change when it comes to yourself or a loved one near you. You will curse those that hurt your family, you will call upon God, to punish these people for eternity, and you will even call out for the punishment of hell for them, a hell that you say, you don't believe in. At one time in your life, your indifference will turn to shame, and sorrow. There is no such thing as an atheist, for a so called atheist will become, and agnostic when sorrow or disaster hits his home. How long will you allow this wind to carry you?

The Wind of False Religion.

This is the wind that causes the most damage, to the heart, and soul, the spirit, and the body. You say that Christians are waiting for a Christ, that hasn't come back for over 2,000 years, you are the ones deceived, and in want, and need, of salvation from our gods. Have you said that Our Lord, has forgotten us, have left us to walk alone? Have you not read the scriptures; "And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation."(2Pe 3:4.)

Presumptuous skepticism and lawless lust, setting nature and its so-called laws above the God of nature and revelation, and arguing from the past continuity of nature's phenomena that there can be no future interruption to them, was the sin of the antediluvians, and shall be that of the scoffers in the last days.

Where - implying that it ought to have taken place before this, if ever it was to take place, but that it never will.(JFB.)
He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it.
Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up thine hand: forget not the humble.
Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it.
Thou hast seen it; for thou beholdest mischief and spite, to requite it with thy hand: the poor committeth himself unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless.
Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none.(Psa 10:11-15)

As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image.
Thus my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my reins.
So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee.
Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand. (Psa 73:20-23)

Don't you understand that, God is patient with man. Patent enough to wait upon him, to decide, to whom he shall serve? We as Christians live by faith alone. We have seen, heard and do testify of the truth, not of our truth, but of the truth handed down to us by the Holy Spirit of God. We are of one body, we neither war, nor fight, against each other, but we live to serve each other, as Christ commanded us to do. Many other religions fight, and even kill each other, for power, and rule, this is a form of slavery, and containment of Archie comics expression.

Will there be punishment for the wicked when Christ arrives to call Gods Children Home? Yes, for there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Is there a Heaven to gain, and a Hell to shun? Yes, for God is righteous, and all knowing.

Heaven is Gods kingdom, and Hell is for the unbelievers in Christ. Why is this so? For if, you have read Gods word, you should know that Jesus is, Gods Word, in the flesh, for despising, and not believing in Christ, you have actually rejected the word of God, and this will be punished.
Call upon you gods, for deliverance, call upon your gods, for subsistence, call upon your gods of winds, are they there, are they able to promise, and then deliver upon their promises?

Have they protected you, and your belief in them? Will they save you from eternal torment in the lake of fire? Ars.

Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries
A.R.Smith Ministries

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