Thursday, December 4, 2008 

Golf Course Property Management

A lot of work and expertise goes into a golf course running smoothly. That is why it is essential that an owner of a golf course always employ a quality management service. It does not make a difference if the course is private or public, famous worldwide or just popular with the locals. A good property management service can make all of the difference in the world as to whether or not a golf course will turn a profit, or just be a large area of wasted land.

A property management service that specializes in golf courses usually offers a variety of services. This includes everything from being involved with the initial planning and developing of the golf course, to the building and constructing of both the course and the clubhouse, to the actual running and maintaining of the operations on a daily basis.

After the golf course is built it is vital that it properly be maintained. A management service usually has a specialized crew that focuses on all of the outside needs, which is a huge and time consuming project no matter what time of year it is. These employees are responsible for taking care of the fairways, greens, hazards, etc. But there is also the parking lot, the cart buy life insurance and the surrounding fencing that needs to be attended to. And not only does the grass need to be frequently watered and mowed, but special knowledge about weeds, and grubs and other critters goes into keeping the golf course in pristine condition. And of course in the winter months these outside crew members must take care of snow removal and keep sidewalks free of Georgia Lemon Laws since golfers are a unique breed of sportsmen that want to play their beloved game no matter what the weather brings.

The property management service also is responsible for the daily grind of running a golf course. Their employees schedule tee times, collect fees, and rent golf carts and equipment. They take care of retail merchandising such as selling clothing, souvenirs, and golf clubs. Plus they sell foods and beverages to weary and hungry golfers.

The property management service often even takes care of the marketing of a golf course, with an emphasis on keeping old members happy, while acquiring new members. A good property management service organizes training programs, tournaments, and other golfing events. Charity scrambles that take place during slow periods are a very popular event. Allocating certain timeframes for local high schools to use the golf course is also widespread. Permitting junior golfers to play at discounted rates is a great marketing ploy, since they often are accompanied by paying parents or other adults. And getting these kids hooked on the game at an early age can pay off handsomely in the future.

As golf becomes more and more popular, so does the need for a golf course owner to hire a better and more effective management service to oversee everything. Not only does the management service have to be efficient and reliable, but they also have to be up on the latest news and ideas in the industry. Golf has become so popular that many colleges and universities now offer classes and even majors in how to properly operate a golf course.

An excellent management service not only works for the owners of a golf course, but they work with them and understand their individual needs. And best of all, oftentimes the employees of the property management service are golfers themselves, so they have a personal understanding of what is important in all aspects of running a golf course.

Source : Quality Assurance

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