Tuesday, January 6, 2009 

How Europe and America Contribute to the Nightmare of Africa

Im just briefly going to explain one of the ways that the E.U. and the U.S. help make Africa poorer and put many African farmers out of jobs.

Basically, in brief, in Europe and America the government massively subsidises the production of agricultural foods and other agricultural commodities. An example of this was the Mark 1 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) introduced into Europe that worked on a "paid to produce" scheme; this meaning, that the more you produced, the more the government would subsidise you, as a result huge surpluses were produced!

In turn, this means that supply of agricultural commodities in the US and the EU are much greater than demand, and so they have large amounts of surpluses in these commodities, to solve this problem, they then "dump" these products on the African market, selling them at a below production cost price, and so undercut the African farmers. This obviously means that the African farmers cannot compete with these low cost products and therefore are forced out of their business, and forced further into poverty as the Westerners repatriate money that should have been going to the African farmers!

This along with Multi National grain companies (MNC's) taking over the local farmers markets in Africa, effectively taking the money out of Africa back into the more economically developed countries (MEDC's) makes this even harder on the poor farmers and therefore Africa, all helping to slow down Africas industrialisation. They are essentially contributing to what is already a horrific situation in Africa

So next time you hear about how the EU is generously selling food for low prices to Africa, take another, closer look, see how it affects the farmers over in Africa who are getting put out of work, and how at the same time, the EU and the US are gaining by getting rid of unwanted food! Always remember there are deeper economic knock on effects to what seem simple events!

Victor Lensora - Owner of the New, Controversial Blog that has been causing a stir with student loan consolidation loan unusual and often controversial takes on life. Its a must to read: controversial-times.blogspot.com/http://controversial-times.blogspot.com/


Joana's Horde Leveling Guide

I am kind of embarrassed but I feel I have to admit this. I have given up. After struggling for months to reach the higher levels in World of Warcraft I decided to go out and find a guide to help me. I wanted so bad to get to level 60 and I had worked hard for a long time trying to get there.

There are a lot of World of Warcraft games available on the Internet. You have several gold guides as well as a lot of Government student loan consolidation guides from different so called experts. I searched high and low, but found that the fee guides was not helping me much. They basically thought me what I already knew. I even bought a pretty expensive levelling guide before I settled for my final pick. Joanas Horde Leveling Guide.

What I love about the levelling guide of Joana, is actually not the eBook itself, but the video that complements it. In the Horde Leveling Video you see every move Joana uses to get from level 1 to level 60 in no time at all. All I had to do was to follow the video and read the instructions in the manual and I finally reached level 60!

The reason I ended up on Joanas World of Warcraft Horde Leveling Guide is probably because it is the most promoted and recommended guide on the Internet. Joana as well as Mancow who is played by the same guy is also two well known characters on the game and is listed everywhere to be the ones who has taken down the different platforms fastest. Joanas record in World of Warcraft is 4 days and 20 hours.

Even though I did not manage to make through the Horde platform on that short amount of time, I did manage to get to level 60 much faster than I could ever dream of making it without the guide. The guide is full packed with tips and tricks. You got several shortcuts and hidden secrets. I personally think Joana World of Warcraft Horde Leveling guide is your best pick if you want to get to the higher World of Warcraft levels fast.

If you are looking for more info on Joana's World of Warcraft Horde Leveling guide you can find it as this www.squidoo.com/wowhordelevelingguide/Joana Guide website

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