Tuesday, March 17, 2009 

Vintage RC Cars

Vintage rc Skipper doll are hot property, ask any rc cars collector. The older the car the better it is.
Since the modest beginnings of modern day rc hobby till date, dolls lot has changed in terms of aesthetics and performance. Technology itself has evolved over this period of time and has been so for the betterment of the hobby and as per the wish of its aficionados.

Though the latest gadgets are in they have certainly not replaced the good old vintage rc cars. The nostalgia of wriggling around with a late 70s or early 80s radio controlled car is way too much to handle for some of the devoted enthusiasts who have been into this hobby for probably as long as the hobby has been around.

It's not the speed, as you find present day's RC cars Munny of beating vintage RC cars hands down that enthral those vintage car fanatics. Neither it's the sleek technology and great new feature.

Then what is it that pulls hobbyists towards vintage rc cars?
Reliving the time...

Yes! It is the idea of reliving the time spent with those old cars that happen to excite most of the vintage rc cars lovers I have known so far.

Over the years I have found that your next prized vintage rc cars could be around your neighbourhood waiting in somebody's garage only to be taken out and shared with somebody like you who understands its value. More often than not you will come across your next rc crush via very unsuspecting incidents.

How do I search for vintage rc cars?

This is one question I have been asked numerous times. I thought it would be a good idea to give my readers an idea about places to search for vintage radio controlled cars. So here goes the list of places to search for your treasure.

Go to your city listings on craigslist and search for vintage rc cars listed for sale. Craigslist is a classifieds directory that is very popular among people who want to dispose off their old stuff which for them are no good than space occupying junk. At craigslist usually people list to part with their old belongings and that means you could end up paying a very low price for your next masterpiece.

EBay is another good place to look for old vintage rc cars. One caution though; while purchasing from eBay only bid on products sold by reputed sellers. You may easily identify a trust worthy seller from his feedback score. Always buy from somebody who has got a feedback score of more than hundred. Also identify the working condition of the vintage rc cars you are about to buy. It involves a little bit of work while working with eBay but then it's all worth the result.

Local Hobby Shop

This is a good place to look for vintage rc cars. Go to your Isis comic book hobby shop, befriend the owner and talk about his affair with this hobby and he might just land up showing or better still selling his years old vintage car to you.

Vintage rc cars are a collector's delight, and if you feel you have it in you what takes to be a good vintage radio controlled cars collector then you certainly have achieved some heights in the field of rc hobby.

Vintage RC Cars are treasures to be preserved for admirers. Fo more information you may have a look at http://www.rccarshub.com/vintage-rc-cars.html

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Selling Your Comic Books on eBay - Avoiding Big Mistake #3

There are 6 big mistakes most comic book seller make when selling their comics on eBay. Here is...


Often when writing up a description of the comics you're selling, there is a tendency momoko keep your description brief and too-the-point. That is a big mistake.

It only leaves people to wonder... WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO HIDE?

When selling your comics it's important to list all the faults. Don't hesitate to take the time (and the space) to describe to your prospective buyer exactly what they're buying.

If your comics have torn pages...say so.

If you comic has Gold Key comics restored...say so.

If that Silver Age comic has a creased spine....say so.

If your collection of Justice League comics are Viagra cocktail crummy condition....say so.

Also, say why they are in crummy condition. For example, if you left them in your basement and it was flooded, be honest, let your buyer know.

If you accidentally ripped the cover of the comic trying to remove some tape, say so.

Your potential bidders will appreciate your honesty and feel good about doing business with you. If you don't say enough about your comics, you will scare away potential bidders. So say as much as possible in your description.

Also, if your comics are 15-20 years old, chances are there is some type of flaw and experienced eBay buyers expect you to tell them what it is. If you don't, not only do you risk not selling your comics because they won't believe you...but even worse, if you sell your comics and they are disappointed the negative feedback they give you can kill your chances of having future buyers to trust what you're selling.

Remember, there are hundreds of comic books for sale, and you have to make the buyer want your comic more than all the others he can choose from. Tell him why he should buy yours. Write your description just like you would tell someone on the phone about the comic. Answer any questions the buyer might have in the listing. If you force the buyer to jump through hoops to find out about your comic they will just go on to the next listing.

Remember, the more you tell...the more you sell.

Alan LaMont has successfully sold comic books for over 20 years. His "Comic Selling Secrets System" will teach anyone how to avoid all the big mistakes when selling your comics and get top prices for their comic collection -- even how to cash in on those worthless comics that are hard to sell. For more information go to: http://www.comicsellingsecrets.com

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