Wednesday, March 4, 2009 

The Choices We Make, the Thought Card - Gypsy Cards Theory

One Rubiks Cube the most interesting cards in the Gypsy deck is the Thought card: among many things, Dusty also represents our freedom to make decisions for ourselves. This may sound easy until the card points out the subtleties of that process.

When we consciously make decisions, we realize that we are standing before a crossroad; the paths before Spider-Man action figure are clearly visible, and having assessed the dynamics that each path would offer, we choose either one or the other. When the crossroad is visible and well-defined, making a decision is also more straight forward.

However, looking at life at a deeper level, we are presented with innumerable small crossroads almost every day. And this is where it gets tricky. Because of our busy lives and our being distracted by the mundane, we tend to ignore these small crossroads; because they appear hazy and misty, instead of recognizing their power to shape our future, we decide to treat them lightly or ignore them altogether. We say yes to invitations we don't Archie comics to go to, we say yes to situations because we are too weak to say no, we say no to situations we long to say yes to, we buy things we can't afford and we are friends with people who mean nothing to us. In other words, because we are too busy or polite, we fail to insert ourselves into the flow of the events around us, and we put snowballs into motion that will hurl into our lives with unexpected force at unexpected times.

"I never saw it coming", we say. Of course we didn't, because we were not aware of the small hazy crossroad before us; we ignored that our definite input was required as to which direction to take. But just because we were not aware of it, it does not mean that the crossroad, however small and hazy, was not there. Remember: life is unforgiving.

The Thought card raises our awareness of the moments that can shape our future. It directs our attention not only to the big obvious crossroads, but also to the smaller, barely visible ones. It tells us that walking down any big or small path changes us, adds a new layer to who we thought we were, challenges us to see and accept new dimensions of ourselves we did not even know existed; dimensions that are either filled with light, or shadow dimensions that add to our darkness and mystery.

Choosing our paths is what makes our journey through life personal.

The Thought card tells us that we make choices all the time, consciously and unawares. It warns us to be aware of the smallest and haziest crossroads and exercise our free will consciously in any given opportunity. It urges us to make our choices with wisdom and freedom and then embrace them; they make us more complete, more complex and more aware of who we truly are. But it also warns us of its shadow aspect: the death of a new dimension can be overthinking and overanalyzing, blocking the energies from flowing where they are meant to go.

Be aware of all your crossroads, and step onto your chosen paths fearlessly. Small paths will lead to big ones, and eventually to the place where you will feel most complete.

Esther Gombor, a Hungarian-born romantic, has managed to finally dispel the mysteries surrounding her own life and everyone else's who has asked for her help. She is the author of the book: Fortune Telling with Gypsy cards; Dispel the Mysteries Surrounding Life and Romance. Her fabulous guide to reading illustrated fortune telling cards is the crystallized essence of her native Hungarian culture, her extensive traveling throughout Europe and her Master's degree in Italian Medieval and Renaissance literature. Although she lives in Toronto, Canada, where she writes, she spends most of her summers in her native country to keep on researching more secrets for her next book.

The article here comes from her daily blog GYPSY BLOG CAF accessible through her personal website:


What Are Valuable Celebrity Collectibles?

Celebrity collectibles are G I Joe sorts of memorabilia which people build entire collections around. They are the pieces which you can place at the center of Red Man baseball cards collection and depending on the availability of the piece, they can often be worth quite a bit of money. Different pieces of memorabilia will naturally be worth different amounts, however, and figuring out which types of pieces are worth more can be an important step for any serious collector. Watchmen movie people choose to make a living out of dealing pieces of celebrity collectibles and knowing what is worth its value can be important.

The value of most collectibles depends on the condition that the item is in. Mint condition is considered to be the best type of state a piece of memorabilia can be in, meaning that it is something which has never been opened or exposed to the harmful effects of a natural environment. These are some of the hardest pieces to come by as one only really owns a mint condition item if that person purchased it in the first place with the intentions of turning it into a mint condition collectible item. Otherwise, the piece turns into something in very good shape, something that has been lightly used and taken very good care of.

Autographed photos can be some of the easiest pieces of memorabilia to collect although, ultimately, they may not be worth too much. The photos must be in a pristine condition for the value to last and the autographs on the photos will greatly factor into their ultimate worth. If the autograph is from a celebrity who does not give out many autographs, the number of items which that celebrity has signed are few, making your piece into something more valuable. Additionally, if you have a piece which was autographed many, many years ago by a celebrity who has long since passed away, the piece may also be much more valuable as it remained in good condition all of that time and no more pieces will ever be signed by that celebrity.

Baseball cards can be another great form of celebrity memorabilia, although like autographed photos, a great deal can depend on the condition the cards are in and when they are from. America went through a surge of baseball cards during the 1980s and as a result, many of the cards from this time period are nearly worthless. Cards from the 1950s are much more popular, however, especially when taken into consideration who is on the card.

Action figures of certain celebrities in films can also be popular, fetching a high price. In order for this to happen, however, the figures must remain in their original packaging, never having been opened. Opening the toys will rapidly devalue them. Also, the original action figure should have been from a relatively limited release edition. The more figures that were produced, the more popular these figures are and the less value they will carry. Finding valuable celebrity collectibles does not have to be difficult, but keeping them in a valuable condition can be.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for autographed celebrity photos, celebrity collectibles, and autographed art. You will find it all at these sites for autographed celebrity photos, valuable celebrity collectibles.

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