Saturday, March 7, 2009 

WowWee Robotics Roboquad - Don't Try to Sneak Up on This One

Today's toys just keep getting more and more advanced and that is certainly the case with WowWee's Robotics Roboquad. Considered the first real robotic arthropod, this innovative toy is very inquisitive and capable of multi directional movements. Its advanced sensory awareness helps it interact with its surroundings. As it moves through its environment, it scans everything and can move as appropriate to avoid obstacles and react to changes.

Salient Features of the WowWee Robotics Roboquad
The Erik the Viking of Roboquad is controlled by three personality settings. These three levels are activity, aggression, and awareness. Roboquad can judge distances and also obstacles. It will adjust its behavior accordingly.

It will turn its head to the left and right, scanning while doing so. It can turn and look at any object within three feet. A really cool aspect is the flinch response. If you or Haunt of Fear object were to approach Roboquad quickly, the robot will actually react accordingly to its current aggression level.

Roboquad has real headlights that turn off and on and it can change its lighting according to light levels in its surroundings. This is a very sleek looking machine. It's agile too. The legs can rotate and it has an articulated neck. There are many movements possible from this robot too. It walks like a crab; it can stomp and rotates while walking.

You'll find a fully functional remote control. There are 72 functions already programmed into the remote. However, the robot will move and groove on its own without any help from the remote. Roboquad simply is an outstanding toy for any age group, but it is recommended for children over eight years old. Adults will also love this adorable little robot.

You can't sneak up on this guy while he is awake. It has sensors to pick up on the slightest noise or movement. It will start to snooze after five minutes of inactivity and eventually it will turn itself off after 24 hours. This robot almost makes you wonder if it can read your thoughts as quickly as it can pick up on your commands through the remote control.

WowWee is the cutting edge of robotic toy technology. You can find many other robotic toys offered by this great company, which are priced a lot less than you may think. Expensive it may be, but the WowWee's Robotics Roboquad. is predicted to be one of the hottest toys of the holiday season, so you better get yours soon.

Lowest prices ever on WowWee's Robotics Roboquad, grab yours now while they last at WowWee's Robotics Roboquad Review Better hurry because supplies are limited.


History of the Rocking Horse

Whenever I think of rocking horses I immediately picture a classic spring mounted Victorian horse, but toy horses have been around for much long, dating back as far as the Egyptians.

The earliest English toy horses were not rockers, they had a round barrel body and were mounted on four wheels. If the child's legs reached the floor they could propel themselves along. The children would mimic the jousting contests held during medieval times. Simple hobby horses, with stuffed heads mounted on a broomstick, were also popular for centuries.

The first actual rocking horses, mounted on a bow shaped rocker, appeared during the seventeenth century. The earliest example is a crude elm and soft wood horse dated about 1610 and reputed to have belonged to Charles 1. This rare horse is now housed in the V Watchmen movie A Museum of Childhood in London. Over a period of time bow shaped rockers became more elaborate and realistic in appearance . The carved wood was covered with gesso, rubbed down to a smooth finish, painted and then fitted with full harness and saddle. Wealthy families would use these horses to train their children to ride.

Rocking horses became very popular during the 19c when Queen Victoria was very taken by a grey dappled horse manufactured J. Collinson of Liverpool in 1851, fuelling the desire of many middle class families to own one. This is the design that most people envisage when they think of rocking horses.

Although Europe led the way in the development of the rocking horse, it was an American, J.P.Marqua, who, in 1871 invented a safety stand with the horse suspended on a static frame with swing irons. European manufacturers were quick to recognise the advantages of this design. It removed the danger of the horse Evel Knievel over or fingers and toes being trapped under the runners.

With the advent of modern technology it became possible to quickly produce beautifully carved and highly polished wooden horses.

Recently there has been a revival of interest in rocking horses. Specialist companies
are producing horses to rival the finest earlier mounts. Although these cost several thousand dollars, they will undoubtedly become family heirlooms. Of course there are less expensive models using a wide range of materials, from stuffed plush to plastics, and costing as little as 20 dollars. A small price to pay for the hours of pleasure a rocking horse can give.

Margaret Tye runs a website promoting educational toys and a rocking horse site where you can view some of the best rocking horses available.

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