The Metaphysical Characteristics Of The Seven Rays
Similarly to our physical sun whose light mortgage ccj be broken up into its seven component colors, the Solar Logos of our system is a source of seven great cosmic Rays (or cosmic Flames) of donate cars light. They penetrate our microcosm, build and enrich one of the highest bodies of our microcosm - our causal body. To each of the seven rays there can be assigned various spiritual and physical qualities. The term "Ray" is used to signify one special type of force or energy. These great streams of energy interpenetrate one other and produce complex systems and manifestations. The seven Rays surpass any possible description by words, or even by thoughts or feelings. They are too essential to be confined within our limited perception of reality. Still, certain description of these Rays is possible in terms of the corresponding qualities. Certain qualities of the Rays can be also connected to the seven chakras and to the crystals and mineral kingdom.
The Blue Ray is the first Ray of light. The energy of this Flame is the first and final synthesis, the source of all the other energies. The basic qualities of the Blue Flame are manifested through the energies of power, strength, faith, protection and God's will. Sunday is the day when the irradiation of this Ray is especially dominant. Its most prominent representative is full coverage auto insurance Michael.
The Yellow Ray is the second Ray of light. This is a Ray of consciousness. The energy of the yellow flame qualifies and teaches, enabling the processes of synthesis, love, wisdom, enlightenment and peace. Monday is the day when this ray is especially dominant. Archangel Jophiel, the Angel of enlightenment is the most prominent representative of the Yellow Ray and yellow Flame.
From the third Ray of the pink Flame we see a manifestation of the activities, intents, and wisdom of the first two rays: the first Blue Ray and the second Yellow Ray. This is a Ray of Divine love, tolerance, adoration, and gentleness. Tuesday is the day when the Pink Flame is especially active, and when its manifestation reaches the highest intensity. The most prominent representative of the Pink Ray is Archangel Chamuel.
The fourth Ray of white light (white flame), stands in the middle of the seven rays, and as such it symbolizes a central point, i.e., point of balance and harmony. The white Ray stimulates the creativity, art, and beauty. The white ray exhibits the greatest power of purification, which is being manifested through the ability of ascending all spiritual faculties of the individual. Wednesday is the day when the outpouring of this ray is at its maximum. Archangel Gabriel is the most prominent representative from the Angelic kingdom for the white flame and white Ray.
The green Ray of light represents concretization, crystallization of substance, knowledge and science. The green Flame is the Flame of balance and Truth. It leads to analysis and development of ideas, especially Divine ideas and impulses that have been conceived in the First Ray of the Blue Flame. This is the Ray of concentration, as a manifestation of the undisturbed sustained attention, which is attained by consecration. In the green Flame we recognize the seat of the physical healing and perfection. Thursday is the day when the fifth green Ray especially strongly manifests its energies. Archangel Raphael, the Angel of healing and consecration is in charge of this Light Ray.
The sixth golden ruby Ray is a Ray of love, devoted service, spiritual healing and idealism. The basic attribute of the sixth golden-ruby Ray is the quality of peace, reached in the process of understanding and accepting the truth, and only after attaining total consecration and dedication. Friday is the day when this Ray exhibits its stronger outpouring. Archangel Uriel, the Angel of Divine service, is the most prominent representative of the ruby Flame.
The Violet Flame and the seventh Ray of light are the most tangible and most expressive of all seven light Rays and Flames in the visible world. The violet Ray carries along the Divine qualities of love, mercy, compassion, spiritual transfiguration and car cheapest insurane quote and freedom. Saturday is the day of its strongest expression. Archangel Zadkiel, the Angel of ceremony and invocation of the Divine powers, is the most prominent representative of the violet Flame from the realm of Angelic beings.
Olga Rezo is a mystic, writer, painter and spiritual teacher. She helps the disciples on their spiritual path with her original spiritual development method "Sunny Ray". She is a webmaster of the internet site">SunnyRay Meditations and self-growth techniques, where you can find more on the subject of">the seven rays of light and">crystal healing.