Saturday, January 24, 2009 

My Weird Obsession with Holiday Cards

Have you ever sent holiday cards to your friends? For some people, sending these cards is one way of sharing free car insurance quote memory and experience of their holidays to their friends and family. In my case, holiday cards have become an obsession. Sending these cards is my favorite part of holidays. Not only do I purchase enough to send to friends and family back home, I also collect entire sets of cards to bring back home as keepsakes of the holidays Ive experienced.

My memories are vague when it comes to remembering the moment that I began my obsession. I think it might have started when my family received holiday cards from our relatives in Hawaii. The feeling I experience was quite powerful, I can still vividly recall that experience. It felt so good to hold that card in my hand that it almost felt as generic tadalifil I was in Hawaii having a wonderful time with a faceless cousin. I guess that it was during this time that I realize that if holiday cards could produce such a powerful effect credit card apply me, they would surely have the same effect on other people.

When I had grown up, got a good job and began to make a little money, I started to travel on holidays of my own. In each place I visited, I would always make it a point to stop by at the nearest tourist station to send a set of holiday cards home. My family and friends have learned to keep track of my hectic schedule through the number of cards they receive from me every year. Sending cards is also my way of letting people know that you remember them even if you are having a good time on some exotic island getaway.

I am so obsessed with sending holiday cards that my obsession has probably over taken other peoples obsession with sending out cards on festive occasions. My mother for instance would always send cards during Christmas. But even her mammoth efforts pale in comparison to my passion of sending cards on holidays. Maybe you should also try it yourself. You might also find sending holiday cards an enjoyable activity.

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Are Your Web Pages Sagging?

Are your web sales down? Practically non-existing? Do you wonder what it data raid recovery take life assurance quotes change this? Do you want to take action, but don't know where to start? When you are willing to take marijuana facts this challenge, you are ready to make other choices.

Maybe you resist like I did with my first web site. It only sold $200 a month. But, after one face lift with bookcoaching my web site really improved to sales over $4500 a month. And much more the following years.

It's common for businesses who want great sales to revise their web sites three times, even more. So, like me maybe your third time is the charm. Sales are zooming past double now.

Perhaps you think...

This is going to cost too much. I don't know how to write good sales copy. Where can I find right people and information to carry this task out?

While these can be daunting, you simply have to decide and be willing to begin. . Here's five ways to go for it without spending gobs of money.

1. Model your web pages after a successful web site you admire.

Like me, you may want to check out a web site that a professional web master has put up. Notice the home page, the web site's purpose, and message of what it wants to sell.

When these are clear you can increase your sales many times.Adapt your pages so you can too. Like me, you'll want to pay attention to the headlines used on the home page and within the sales letters for each product or service offered at the site.

2. Decide what the number one thing is you want to sell.

Let's hope it's the highest money. Then, what is number two? And so forth. It's best to sell big ticket items, then a few related books or products as low-cost leaders. You need to decide what you want to make from your efforts. Since you will pay about 7% for a credit card provider and incur other web site expenses, mark your prices accordingly. If you don't do this preplanning, your web site will look like a cluttered closet.

It needs a focus.

3. Look and listen to who is really profiting.

So many boasts. So many promises. Look deeper beyond the "killer" copy. You want to model your own site after a professional who has been in business a long time-who is solid, and reasonable. Tailor your language to still fit you, but also give your visitors enough sales information to make a decision to buy.

4. Get the mentors you need to get your site right for sales.

Don't call your webmaster until you find a person who can help you write an order-pulling sales letter. For instance, you'd want someone who already has many books out, each one with a sales letter. When you work with a coach, it's less money, because your write the drafts for feedback.

Or, you may want to hire a copywriter to write the copy for you. Some will write a sales letter for $300, others charge up to $1000 and more. They will give you a work sheet so your sales message will suit your purposes.Some choose this method because they don't think they can write, but the coach encourages you to write your own copy to reflect your unique personality and be true to you.

5. Connect with a money-successful internet coach to help you formulate a new message that really suits you, your business, your book and your service. This person should have writing experience in sales letters and all other marketing language.

One last option is to do nothing--keeping your client base stagnant and not letting the world know about the wonderful service or products you offer.

Book and Internet Marketing Coach, Judy Cullins, can help you build credibility and clients, sell a lot of books, and make maximum profits. Author of 13 books including Write your eBook or Other Short Book Fast and The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Targeted Web Traffic" Get her free eBook "20 High Octane Book Writing and Marketing Tips" and two free monthly ezines at bookcoachingbookcoaching

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