Thursday, December 11, 2008 

Volleyball Practice Drills

Practice Makes Perfect

Keep your volleyball practices fresh and interesting by incorporating new drills that isolate specific skills or combine a number of skills by integrating them into game play. When introducing these volleyball practice drills to your team, make sure to fully explain every aspect of the inexpensive auto insurance and give each player a chance to practice the drill at half-speed first before proceeding to full speed. Not only will this serve to avoid unnecessary injury, it will also allow your players to cement the correct frameworks before implementing the learned skills.

Three Pile Pick Up

The first of these new volleyball practice drills is a simple one we call Three Pile. Its a great drill for the beginning of a practice year as it incorporates many skills and while it can be organized around a competitive framework, it is also great for building teamwork and communication skills which are crucial when playing volleyball.

To begin the Three Pile drill, have 3 players lay down on the court in a pile on top of each other. At the sound of your whistle, throw a ball high into the air. At the same time, your players must untangle themselves as quickly as possible and stand up in time to call out the first hit. The player closest to the ball then sets it and run the play as best as possible.

To turn the game more competitive, have two piles of 3 players on either side of the net, and throw a ball to each group. If the ball is called out and missed, that player is out of the game. If the ball is successfully hit 3 times then it must be hit over the net to the other team who hit the ball back to the coach and drop to the floor in a pile. The team that achieves this first earns one point, and play continues until a predetermined score is reached.

4-on-4 Free for All

The next of the volleyball practice drills is not only a great workout but it teaches your back row players to play smart. To begin, divide your player into groups of four. Have your players set up in a diamond formation, with one back row player, two outside hitters and one front row setter that stands at center front.

The drill runs just like a regular game except that when the opposing team is hitting on the outside, the outside player rotates back to the ten-foot line in order to double block as much as possible. This drill requires for the back row player to read the opposing hitters well since they will need to be able to move quickly to hit the ball.

To up the ante for this drill, especially if you want to work on developing a kamikaze defensive strategy, have your back row player dive for every ball that is a hit. This will help to eliminate the lazy mindset that defensive players sometimes fall into with regards to other players picking up the slack.

Larry Reid has been coaching volleyball for well over a decade. You can get instant access to his championship volleyball practice plans by visiting his website:

For a limited time, all coaches who visit Larry's site will also get a free copy of his special report: "The 7 Biggest Mistakes Volleyball Coaches Make". Go get your free copy today!

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