Wednesday, October 15, 2008 

Not Enough Time? Then Create Some More!

Almost everyone complains that they don't have enough time. In fact, in terms of resources we feel we are lacking, time managed web hosting second only to money. And we often feel we could have more money -as well acs student loan consolidation better relationships, more fun and less stress- if only we had more time. Unfortunately, time isn't something we can make more of --there is only a fixed amount, and this cannot be altered. Right? Maybe not. Read on.

The first thing to remember is that time is not an object or even a natural force, like gravity. You can't see, hear, smell, taste or touch it. You can't even really measure it, though you think you do this all the time when you look at a clock or watch. The fact is, these are mechanical (or computerized) devices made by humans. Time itself is an elusive concept. It's true nature -if it really exists at all- is the subject of heated debate among physicists, philosophers and mystics. This may not interest you right now, but it's helpful to know that time is *not* just the simple, everyday "thing" that controls our lives, as we often assume it does. It is our perception of time that controls our lives and minds, and this is a big difference.

Okay, let's get down to the practical way to create more time, as this is why you are mostly likely bothering to read this (after all, you could be spending your time doing lots of other things!). The bad news is that this technique is going to take a little bit of work, at least for a week. If you must, do it for two or three days, but I recommend a week. All you need is a notebook, a pen (or a laptop if you prefer), but you have to keep it with you all of the time, or at least most of the time.

What you need to do is literally account for every minute of every day. Strictly speaking, you will probably not be able to do this. But try. And be as specific as possible. For example, don't say "Between 9 and 5 I was at work." Break it down into minute detail, as boring as this sounds. If you are Meridia write down exactly what you were doing online. If you are watching television or reading, same thing -be specific. If you were talking to someone, you don't have to write down every word, but jot down the gist of the conversation.

What you will most likely discover if you really do this is something that might be initially depressing but Viagra questions very freeing. You will discover the vast amount of time you spend on tasks that have little or no value. If you can keep up this practice for a whole week it will be most helpful, as this will include weekdays and the weekend, time at work and time off.

This is similar to keeping a budget with the money you spend. Many people do not even know where their money goes. Many, many more people have no idea where most of their time goes. It is very rare for people to keep track of New Mexico Lemon Laws they actually spend their time.

There are many other things you can do to change your perspective about time. For example, there are books you can study about the nature of time; you can practice various kinds of meditation; you can get faster technology. Yet this very simple exercise I have outlined here can completely change your perspective about time. For once you realize how many hours you've been wasting, you also can understand how much time you really have. It's a lot more than you thought. You will find that you have literally created new blocks of time that were previously wasted on activities you won't even miss if you give them up.

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