Why a Life Coach Was Needed For Addiction Help
Being the author of a book called "Simply Quit Drinking", I have been approached by people with alcohol addiction looking for help. I thought of all the different things I did to quit drinking. The problem was, I realized that all I had to offer was how to stop drinking. Many times the reason people have an addiction to a chemical, alcohol or other drug or behavior, just like me, is because there are deeper issues to address. I had been an alcoholic for reasons of anxiety and depression, which stemmed from even deeper issues.
I discussed how to respond with my husband and Life Coach, Joseph F. Price. I knew I didn't have the skills, knowledge, or techniques, to even begin to be able to help beyond quitting drinking. Life Coaches are trained to be able to listen well and focus donating car on little clues that hide beneath the surface of a person. Upon reading one auto insurance companys email, Joseph had picked out several important clues that I did not.
A good life coach has a background in human behavior study or personal development. Personal Development, as a field of study, and often remortgages bad credit to as Personal Growth and the learning revolves around improving oneself often by changing the way you think.
Personal Development is the conscious effort to improve on your life perspective and learn ways to grow your mind. When your mind grows with "tools" that you didn't know of or use before, you begin to be able to change your perspective on life or even particular issues or challenges, whether it's in your relationships, career, or other areas.
Why does someone need to actually learn personal development, doesn't it just happen as we grow up? Unfortunately, no, it doesn't naturally come as part of our individual growth by learning to relate to the world around us. Personal Development, and Personal Growth, are actually the way to create the "user's manual" for you. No one else knows you better, and with the right coaching, being the expert on "you" and applying basic personal development, you enable yourself to make your life change to your own plan. Personal Development is about making a commitment to improve yourself.
A personal growth life coach for personal development teaches you ways to identify and adopt empowering habits. They also teach you how to replace negative habits that you don't even know are holding you back. Learning to understand what is getting in the way of your success and overcoming those challenges is paramount. Most important, personal growth coaches teach you how to create an environment around you that supports your purpose.
Here are a couple simple examples. Today, or for a day, remove these words from your vocabulary: try, can't, should. Not to be too funny, but notice that in the sentence prior I didn't say "try to remove"! Now you get the idea? Put that practice to work and find out just a little about Personal Development. If you learn something positive, then learn more with a personal development life coach.
Karen Gregg Price
Reaching Peak LLC