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Tuesday, September 23, 2008 

Accommodate in 2008 - Recession Proof Your Company & Give Your Customers What They Want

In case you had not noticed we are in a recession, a time when historically many small businesses fail. Consumer purchases dry up or slow down, competition starts cutting price and the banks stop loaning money to help you though turbulent times. What can you do, asks one group of small businesses recently at a Think Tank mini-talk. Well, there are several things you must do such as:

  • Cut Operating Costs
  • Control Inventory
  • Do More Grass Roots Marketing
  • Work on Customer Loyalty Programs
  • Accommodate Customer Demands

Now then, let us consider this last item, because its one many small businesses do not even consider. Oh sure, when business slows down they are apt to accommodate requests they may not have otherwise done when and if a injury lawyers asks. But why wait until the customer asks? Make it Devil's footprints policy. Call it the "Customer is Always Spiderman Policy" or the "Never Say No" policy.

Did you know that Starbucks has implemented this policy, well, they call it the "Just Say Yes" policy and its part of their legendary service policy. But the interesting thing is that they have a policy in place like this. My question to you is why don't you also have such a policy? Why wouldn't you?

You must accommodate in 2008, let your customers know that they are number one and that you intend to do whatever it takes to make them happy and meet their demands. Recession Proof your Company and give your Customers what they want. I can tell you this much; you'll be glad you did.

"Lance Winslow" - Online bloggingcontent.net/ Apparition Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; WorldThinkTank.net/ WorldThinkTank.net/

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